Creating Conversations that Lead to Learning on Poster Material

  • Nofrizal Nofrizal Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Budiwirman Budiwirman Universitas Negeri Padang


Creating learning-generating conversations in poster materials for Junior High School 11 Mandau students in organizational behavior and leadership courses is a useful method for students to share their learning. Presenters share their posters with colleagues in a walking gallery format. This allows students to convey their learning experiences in an unscripted way, allowing for organic and direct conversation among class participants. Combining environmental situations with poster conversation results in more engagement between students than perhaps requiring papers alone. This activity is an interesting approach that encourages rich interaction and dialogue.

How to Cite
Nofrizal, N., & Budiwirman, B. (2022). Creating Conversations that Lead to Learning on Poster Material. International Journal of Educational Dynamics, 4(2), 123-129.

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